Saturday, February 22, 2014

Comparison of IDEs C development on Linux: KDevelop, Eclipse, NetBeans, CodeBlocks and Anjuta

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Here is my personal experience with IDEs. I installed all IDEs I could find, and played with them all (that is what I would advise you to do) :
  • kdevelop
I personally use it. The version I have installed crashes, but I downloaded the latest version from their site, and it works good. It is simple to configure and great to use. They support custom build system through plug-ins. You might find some weird features (like parsing only directly included headers), but generally it works good for big projects.
  • eclipse
Super complex to configure, but it allows literally everything. If you have enough time to find a correct configuration that pleases everyone, then go for it. But trying to change anything is very annoying because it has so many options.
  • anjuta and codeblocks
I tried it shortly, and it wasn't as good as the previous two. Codeblocks is good for short projects, but not for medium and big.
  • netbeans
Another good IDE, but since my home is on network share, and the project I work is fairly big, it was very slow. It parses all the time.
  • qtcreator
Simple to configure, but it is missing lots of options. For example, the strangest thing with it is that it can not parse and auto complete qt classes. Supports custom build system.

To conclude :
  • if you are patient enough (or if you find a good configuration), go with eclipse. It is really the best free IDE.
  • If you want something simple to configure, go with kdevelop.

 Reference link

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